Tuesday, May 24, 2011

The Dreaded 2am

It's 2:26 in the morning. Why am I up? You wonder, as do I. The answer, simple and poignant, is STRESS.

Planning a wedding is the WORST. Seriously, why didn't we just elope? Oh, I have an answer for that. Enter: the parents. Although I blame them for this fiasco, I am grateful for all they did. This fast-approaching bash would not have been as cool as it's going to be. You win some and you lose some (cliché, I know).

For instance. Before my parents my wedding would have looked something like this:

Brandon would look so hot in a mullet. The dog would be ring bearer, of course.

Now, my wedding will look something like this:

Okay, okay, just kidding. It will be pretty and fun, etc etc.

Too bad I can't sleep and start thinking "how will we get everything over to Utah?!" or "who should I sit Mr.?/ms.? next to?" or "I still need to figure out what to store here!" A lot of times I just think, "I'm tired, can you shut up and leave me alone?"

Even as I write this, I zone out and think "what about this," and other useless questions.


Now that it's 3 (great...bad Shar, bad Shar!) I shall try again.

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