Friday, May 27, 2011

I'm turning Purple and Black

33 days!

In the past couple of days, I have managed to turn myself purple and black. First, I finally finished the invitations for the receptions. However, my printer decided to show its love by exploding black ink. Subsequently, I had black ink marks that only just barely came off. The purple came from a stamp with our address on it, where the label part kept shifting. In order to fix it, you had to move it. I, of course, decided that my fingers would work just as well. So...purple ink on my fingers.

Lastly, I have a ginormous bruise on my leg. Haha...the klutz strikes again. I was at the doctors office and was getting off the table when I slipped and sliced my leg against the metal stirrup edge. Oops.

Isn't it lovely?! It bled through my pants when I got it. I think it looks kind of like a face. When I told my dad what happened he looked at me like I was born yesterday. Also, I tried to show my little brother while he was eating, but he refused to look because "I'm eating! That's GROSS SHAR!" Ahh yes, the little things we do to torture siblings.

Why so serious?

In conclusion, I am a messy klutz. But because of it I'm great at basic first aid and cleaning :)

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

The Dreaded 2am

It's 2:26 in the morning. Why am I up? You wonder, as do I. The answer, simple and poignant, is STRESS.

Planning a wedding is the WORST. Seriously, why didn't we just elope? Oh, I have an answer for that. Enter: the parents. Although I blame them for this fiasco, I am grateful for all they did. This fast-approaching bash would not have been as cool as it's going to be. You win some and you lose some (cliché, I know).

For instance. Before my parents my wedding would have looked something like this:

Brandon would look so hot in a mullet. The dog would be ring bearer, of course.

Now, my wedding will look something like this:

Okay, okay, just kidding. It will be pretty and fun, etc etc.

Too bad I can't sleep and start thinking "how will we get everything over to Utah?!" or "who should I sit Mr.?/ms.? next to?" or "I still need to figure out what to store here!" A lot of times I just think, "I'm tired, can you shut up and leave me alone?"

Even as I write this, I zone out and think "what about this," and other useless questions.


Now that it's 3 (great...bad Shar, bad Shar!) I shall try again.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

49 Days

49 days until the wedding. :o So much to do so little time!