Wednesday, June 25, 2008


A coworker commented today that we have friday off next week. Why? Because it's the 4th of July! Already! That means I have only 7 more weeks of work left, and 8 weeks before I leave this country. Only 8 weeks to get everything together. Eeek, how intimidating (sort of, but not really).

Friday, June 20, 2008

Woohoo it's friday!! TGIF right?

Today at work we have "treat friday" except I totally forgot that it was friday and didn't bring anything in. Our department went out and bought J-dogs though, and it was my first time having them, so good.

One of my roommates moves out today, which is kind of sad. There will be one less person in the apartment now. She claims she'll come visit us a lot though, but we'll see how busy she gets at home.

Today Alex and I are going to his birthday dinner at Fudruckers (of all places, eww). All well, it's his choice.

I had a weird dream filled with honey and zombie like creatures and cute boys. I'll have to write it out and post it. But until then, goodnight. And good luck. (Hey, that's a great movie!)

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Provo Blackout!

It was a sunny morning when I arrived at work today. I thought it would be another typical day at work, but how wrong I was. On the first floor of the building, I begin to punch in when POOF the lights in the entire building shut off. Anything connected to electricity (including the water fountains) were out. After a few minutes, most of the electricity came back on. Unfortunately (or fortunately, depending on how you look at it) the computers in Data Entry, the department I work in, were not coming back on. We sat around and talked, then trekked down to the break room to get some food out of the fridge. As we were walking back to our area, the lights mysteriously came on. Apparently, the entire Provo area blacked out. Something the Provo City did shut down the entire area, including all of BYU campus.

This is me at work! Hahahaha. It was taken for the Photo Directory in our databases. It was before my haircut though, and my move to Data Entry. Next I'll post a picture of the origami tiger I made.

Don't let the heat get to you :D